From new devices that are defying every human imagination to tech innovations that are redefining the way we live, technology is gradually infiltrating every available space of our lives. Interestingly, with the pace at which these innovations are hitting the streets, you would only wonder what’s next.

The service field technology sector is not shielded from these innovations. Although this is a sector that seems to be slowly connecting itself to today’s realities, it’s only a question of when before it is completely controlled by emerging technologies.

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Are you already getting eager about the development? Are you curious about these technologies and how they can be of any benefit? Well, wait a minute as Amit Tiwari lets us in on some of these technologies.


The Internet of Things

Most sectors are introducing cutting-edge technologies to help them improve productivity as well as reduce losses. With data provided via data analysis, these emerging technologies are more accurate and less prone to errors. A very good example of such technologies is the Internet of Things (IoT).

The Internet of Things (IoT) is one of the biggest technological game-changers in all the sectors of the economy, and soon enough, it will be able to drive massive changes in the field service industry. IoT allows businesses to foresee problems and develop a proactive approach – not just react to equipment failures and such problems. Read more here!

These IoT devices make a lot of differences when they are included as part of any work culture. From real-time access to sensitive data to remotely controlled devices, the future is certainly IoT. The fastest developing economies all have one thing in common, and that is the fact that they all employing IoT to drive business activities.

This is undoubtedly the era of Internet of Things. They are phasing out more analog and less flexible technologies from the business terrain. IoT ensures a smoother supply chain and better consumer experience. However, it is understanding if you are yet to fly with this idea at about this time. There is more in the offing from

Smart Phones

Smart phones genres are growing in their numbers as the days go by. If they are that useless, there will not be any need for newer models. Instead these devices have been very much appreciated by the service field industry. Among other things, smart phones have changed the way information is shared between field operatives and office personnel.

Handhelds and smartphones are extremely popular in the field service industry—for obvious reasons. Having a mobile device where field personnel can update work orders, job completion, and stay in touch with people back at the office is a major time-saver. Read more here!

The good part is that you cannot be limited by your choice of smart phones. There are tons of brands for you to choose from. With an appropriate smart phone and the right field service management software, a whole lot of time wasting can be eliminated from the supply chain of any business.

From tracking various devices in a supply chain to sharing the most vital data with whoever, these smart devices can be on top of it all. Funny enough, incorporating such devices into your work processes do not cost as much as people fear. If they are user-friendly and they could guarantee more profits, then what’s taking you this long to get involved? Another piece from Sarwant Singh regarding the same subject would be priceless at this point.

Autonomous Fleet Brings Greater Efficiency

This author emphasizes on how drones are the future, as well as how they have influenced businesses and brought about improved customer satisfaction. He talks more on how future supply chain will be smarter and self-driven. With the developments in recent Artificial Intelligence studies, it’s possible that anything can happen.

Drones are definitely the poster child at the moment and have stirred up a lot of conversation since Amazon announced its plans to launch drones for last-mile deliveries. While this is and will be an integral part of our view of the future, I would like to focus on the other types of fleets within the industry that could become completely autonomous. Read more here!

Businesses are suddenly realizing that they could do more if they have all hands on deck. That is why the development of these unmanned equipment are becoming very fascinating. Drones and other self-guided deliveries have come a long way, helping industries to cut down on lost time and other important variables.

The question of greater efficiency does not arise with these self-controlled fleets involved in service field management. They are a lot faster, more accurate, and most importantly, more efficient in discharging their duty.

Published by

Audrey Ruiz

Audrey Ruiz is a 35-year-old engineer who enjoys hockey, eating out and charity work. She is friendly and reliable, a realist and a little impatient.

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